Got a question for ya. Are you in a rut? You know what I mean, you do the same thing everyday at the same time. It's easy to do, Monday rolls around and the next thing you know it's Sunday. So you head out to Church. Then it's Monday again and you start it all over. Now let me ask you this, during your "normal" routine, how many times have you shared about Jesus with someone who doesn't know him? I mean really shared the joy of Jesus Christ with even one person. I'm not talking about just talking about him with your friends, I'm talking about truly bringing someone who doesn't know Jesus to him. As Christians it's easy to gather among ourselves and stepping out of that safe zone can be a little intimidating but when you share the joy of Jesus with others outside of the comfort zone the feeling is INCREDIBLE! In Luke 15 verse 7 Jesus says "I tell you there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes his heart and life, than over ninety-nine good people who don't need to change". I'll admit I need to do it more myself so yes when I write these post it makes me examine myself as well. In
today's society it seems to be politically incorrect to talk about God for fear of offending someone. Personally I'm offended that society has become that way. I'm more concerned with helping to bring the lost and wounded to Jesus than I am about what man thinks. Please share Jesus today with someone. There's a
license plate on my truck which sums it all up. "He died for me, I'll live for him".